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Conflict Resolution
Protect people’s fundamental human rights and promote person centered, best interest and therapeutic approaches to supporting people when they are experiencing stress or distress and showing behaviors of concern.
Improve the quality of life of those of those who are in crisis and consider those supporting them. Reduce reliance on restrictive practices by promoting a positive culture and practice that focuses on prevention, identification of concerning behaviors, de-escalation, and reflective practice. Trauma informed care and recognizing how restrictive practice can positively impact on our understanding of distressed behavior considering the link between past trauma and distress. Recognizing how restrictive practice can impact on behavior. Promoting a flexible safety culture.
Learning outcomes
All training is aligned to current Restraint Reduction Network guidance and the philosophies of best interests and least restrictive practice. Mental capacity act outlines ‘if you make a decision for someone who does not have capacity, it must be in their best interest’s. Treatment and care provided to someone who lacks capacity should be the least restrictive of their basic rights and freedoms’.
Training complies with legal, safe, and ethical responsibilities. To assist staff in strategies for Positive & Safe Programs and support people who may present with concerning behavior. Increase understanding of the root causes of concerning behavior and recognition that many behaviors are the result of distress due to unmet needs, including physical restraint and restrictive practice(s).
Employer responsibilities
all businesses have the duty and a responsibility to respect human rights and to prevent, mitigate and address any potential adverse impacts that their operations may have on human rights. Human rights act (2011)
Employers have a duty of care to employees to ensure that they are adequately trained to carry out their duties, have a safe system of work and safe and competent people working alongside you. Employers have vicarious liability for the actions of their staff 1974 (HASWA) Learning Outcomes. To develop understanding of the values associated with Reducing Restrictive practice and employ strategies to prevent conflict and aggression. To provide professional, safe, and ethically based breakaway and disengagement skills and physical intervention taught by expert tutors. The trainers have been Restraint Reduction Validated through an NHS provider who they have been employed by for many years. The instructors are committed to the adherence of Reducing Restraint Network guidelines and principles and have been advocates of these principles and philosophies of care for many years.
The company has insurance cover which includes public liability, professional indemnity , Employers liability, managers liability and crisis prevention.
Target Audience
All clinical and non- clinical staff and other health and social care professionals including educational facilities and others likely to face conflict at work.
Certificates will be awarded following completion of training.
Please contact training leads for information regarding training needs.
John O’Neill David Jones
Conflict Management Specialist Conflict Management Specialist
Cert Ed/ Dip Ed/A74/BSc (Hons) RMHN/Dip Ed/ ENBA74/ ENB 998/
Violence Reduction Specialist RCN validated MAPA.
Mobile 07590309462 Mobile 07833438526
Email: conflictresolutionuk@gmailcom